02 July 2007

I've now gone through 6 laptop chargers in the past 6 months due to a certain tiny bunny. I suppose this is the point at which I should be eternally grateful that my computer is still under a warranty where it doesn't matter why I need the parts replaced, otherwise he would be racking up quite an expense list.

I've started work on an afghan for a friend's wedding in addition to a small growing pile of socks that are half finished. While in denial about the number of projects that I have left... I somehow managed to pick up yarn for the Tulip Baby Sweater for a boy as well as some for cute baby pants... and then more sock yarn.

At least, since I'll be on the National Mall in D.C. for the 4th (we have to arrive at 10 a.m. in order to secure a spot for fireworks that won't go off until after 8 or so in the evening), I should have plenty of time to knit.

28 June 2007

There's nothing like trying to knit with a bunny on your knee trying to yank the needles out of your hand.

In other news... I'm furiously trying to finish the baby blanket for Ben and socks for my sister... as my very first nephew was born Monday!

16 May 2007

Harry Potter Book 7 Sock Swap Survey

1) What are your favorite Harry Potter Book Hogwarts House color combinations?
Ravenclaw ~ Blue and Bronze

2) Do you have a sock yarn that you can't wear?? Or just hate??

3) Would you prefer nice "Harry Potter" socks, or can your sock Pal go all Funky on you? How weird is to weird for you??
Funky is fun... and nothing is really too weird for me.

4) Who is your favorite teacher at Hogwarts?
Well, it was Snape up until awhile ago, and I'm still holding out hope, but barring that, Minerva.

5) Is there a color that you just can't wear, you know the one that makes you looks sick, or you just can't stand? Explain the color? (Example ~ Light green, not med, or dark, but light..yuck!)
I'm not a huge fan of orange. It frightens me a little.

6) Are you a superwash sock person or a 100% Wool sock person?
Either is fine... it depends on my mood.

7) What do you think is the funniest scene in one of the books and what was it?
When the executioner discovers Buckbeak is missing..

8) Will you be attending any Harry Potter parties or midnight releases like what Barnes and Nobles has put on in the past?

9) Was there a scene that just cranked your needles? A scene that just made you mad?
The end of book 6 had me throw my book across the room.

10) Have you watched the movies and read the books? or just one and or the other, and if so which ones?

11) Have you or do you have any plans to knit anything else "themed" Harry Potter?
A scarf perhaps for my youngest cousin (who's more obsessed than I am)

12) What is your favorite all time sock yarn, and your favorite sock pattern?
I really like knitting in non-traditional sock yarns, so there's really no answer here (I know I'm so helpful). I love knitting in different colors and making it up as I go along.

13) Do you knit your socks, toe up, cuff down, DPN's, Circ's or whatever you feel like?
Generally cuff down on DPNs

14) Are you a Chocolate, Soda, Tea, Coffee, or Hard Candy kind of person? Any special treats you just can't resist??
Coffee and chocolate!

15) Anything else you would like to tell about yourself, about the books, or about your knitting, bring it on! :c)
I have a tendency towards the extremes.

14 May 2007

In the past hours, I've turned the third corner of Ben's blanket (120 rows to go! YES!)... I think the rejuvenation in this project is caused partly by the weird twitch I've developed in my hands following 2 days of 10 hour a day knitting days with size 6 DPNs (as in, my hand would spasm when holding anything smaller than a steering wheel) and partly due to the latest picture I got from my sister.

1) Ben's Blanket
2) My sister's socks
3) Finish the bees for Deb
4) Wedding afghan for Sam?
...and then uh.. finish all my mateless socks?

I also finished reading The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld.. which is a sequel to a book I read over the summer. I finished Pearl-McPhee Casts Off on Saturday. It's sad when it takes a book written for that purpose to make me feel more secure in my yarn obsession. I swear that the growing pile in my bucket is not a stash. I have complete control. I can stop at any time. Except, you know, for the fact that I continue to knit while my hands spasm.
If anyone needs to know where I am for the next few days... I will be knitting. and clenaing like a maniac before my parents arrive.

I am determined to finish the baby blanket so I can finish the socks (ah they're so pretty! I'm very happy!).

This week is amazing in that I've discovered that the majority of our "group" is staying for the summer.

Question... anyone think a knitted afghan (blanket, whatever) would make a nice wedding present? A friend (and a friend to some of you as well) is getting married in July and I'm at a loss on what to get (and whether or not anyone I know is also invited... any TM people going to the wedding....? I really want to go, but not if I'm going to be the only person I know there...)

10 May 2007

I think my brain is about to start leaking from my ears.

Please tell me WHY ANYONE thinks it is acceptable to blast their music when living in apartment buildings?

It's horrifically NOT courteous to the people living around them.

Especially when the person whose room is beside theirs is prone to mind numbing migraines.

I think I may actually be about to snap. My walls are shaking. I can't concentrate on the billions of things I have to get done to be on time for work, etc. My head is pounding.


27 April 2007

Going to Nashville for the weekend......

It's way too freaking early.

I did not finish the blanket for my sister.

I am, however, bringing the fair isle tulip gingham socks for her to work on while I'm on the plane. Wish me lots of luck! (knitting fair isle terrifies me... so many colors switching and repeating and patterns and argh!)